Eternal Network
Pick a side, Pick a card
Collaborate, Share the postcard
Pick a side
Pick a card
Share the postcard
Eternal Network 2021 is a collaborative project conceived by Alexis Brocchi and Kushala Vora. Our project explores the ways in which we and other artists are working and connecting through a collective fluxus practice in the year 2021. Eternal Network 2021 is part of Terrain Biennial hosted in Jeff Robinson and Erin Hayden’s front yard in Oak Park neighborhood. Eternal Network 2021 seeks to bring seemingly small actions to the forefront of our conscious minds and explore the transformative potential of collective art making. By performing a chain of actions that extends each artists’ practice of art making beyond material objects, we hope others will ponder how our individual daily routines and shared mundane activities can create new, intimate, collaborative connections. Pick a side, pick a card and collaborate.
Over the last year, many of us experienced moments of slowness that challenged and allowed us to nurture a daily practice - cooking and walking, making and closing space, writing notes and sending photographs, emojis and poems, doodling and reading, planting and de-weeding - ideas like this helped bring together the beginnings of this collaborative project. We invited fellow artists that inspired us during their daily pandemic making and online posting to submit event scores in the form of postcards. Visitors are encouraged to pick a score, collaborate with the artist and then share the experience and making with someone using the on-site mailbox. Share the postcard.

Participating Artists for Eternal Network 2021:
Alberto Aguilar
Rohan Ayinde
Judith Brotman
Amanda Cervantes
Ishita Dharap
Mairead Grace Delaney
Ashley M. Freeby
Erin Hayden
Hyun Jung Jun
Ayesha Singh + misael soto
Falak Vasa
Titus Wonsey
Structure Fabrication & Documentation:
Jeff Robinson
Organizing Artists:
Alexis Brocchi
Kushala Vora
Eternal Network 2021 - Flatland